Posts Tagged ‘composite veneers’

Can you explain the cost difference between types of veneers?

Thursday, February 25th, 2010
Hi, Could you possibly explain the difference between the types of porcelain veneers. There seems to be a big price difference, and I just wanted to know the reason. Would it be strength? look etc. Also would you recommend a particular type for front teeth? Many Thanks,

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

Can I have composite veneers replace to improve teeth colour?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
Hello, Im an 18 year female and I suffer from a genetic condition with my teeth which meant my enamel didnt develop properly, as a child this meant I had quite heaily stained teeth which I found really hard to deal with. At the age of 14, I was sent to London by my dentist to a childrens dentist to have composite veneers fitted. In a way this helped and I gained some confidence back in my smile but 4 years later Im still really unhappy. I dont want a hollywood glistening smile but I do want white teeth and that hasnt been achieved with these composite veneers. Is it possible to have these veneers removed and replaced with whiter ones? or would I need to pay to have porcelain veneers done privately? Im just worried that it will cost so much, and Im so worried my composite veneers will fall off. Ive never told people about the genetic condition Ive had, but Im constantly worried people are looking at my teeth. I just want a white smile, so what sort of route will I need to take to achieve this? Thankyou for any help or advice you can give me.,

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

What can be done about front tooth filling that I hate?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
Hi. I have a filling in my front tooth which I cant stand. It makes me very self conscious. Im getting married in June and want some advice on how I can be happy to smile again? Please help.,

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

With a flurosis front teeth can I have composite to make it look natural?

Thursday, December 10th, 2009
Dear Mr Solanki, I have a problem with my two front teeth whereby they are quite mottled/fluorosis. The rest are white and straight. I wonder if it would be possible for this to be disguised with composite to look natural. I dont want the shape of the teeth to change – ideally i wouldnt want it to look obvious that anything had been done. Do u offer this service in your practice and what sort of price would i be looking at for these 2 teeth to be treated in this way to blend in with the others. I would really appreciate your advice, thank you

Dr Kailesh Solanki Kissdental – UK Practice of the Year 2007 157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN.2 New Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2QS. 13 Stanley Street, Manchester, M8 8SH. Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250 View My Profile Dr Solanki

Worried to loose tooth due to my grinding habit can I have veneers?

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009
Hello I grind my teeth a lot in my sleep and sometimes during the day when I am nervous or stressed. My dentist gave me a hard retainer which did not work. He then gave me a softer one which I chewed through. I now sleep with the hard one in and the soft one on top of that, and it helps but not completely. I am now starting to chew through them both. I have a lot of headaches, mainly tension ones, and I often wake up with tension in my neck and shoulders. I have also started to notice that my teeth have become much more sensitive and I am worrying that I am slowly grinding my teeth away and exposing nerves! I was wondering if I do (fingers crossed I don’t), would I be able to get veneers? Also would i get them free or would I pay? And if I did would they be made of something strong enough to put up with my grinding? Thanks!

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

Awful tooth due to bulaemia would like some treatment.

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009
Hi ia was wondering if u can get anything done about ur lower teeth. i had bulemic an anerexia when i was younger and my teeth are very decayed and worn. i already have a venner on the top teeth. last christmas i tried to kill my self and now my teeth are making me feel bad about myself again.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

Uneven shaped teeth needs to be analysed for the correct treatment.

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009
Between the ages of 17 – 19 I had traditional braces. I am now 29 and find that my teeth have relapsed over time as my dentist warned they might. I wear a nightly retainer (which is a replacement if one I had and broke) but my teeth aren’t as they were when I first had my brace removed. The main issues are: a small ‘Madonnaesque’ gap between my front two teeth and the teeth wither side of those are rather short. I was wondering between veneers, invisalign and lumineers what I could consider to correct the problem. I want something that will completely close the gap without too much damage to my teeth which are white and in very good condition.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

With a partially broken and gappy front teeth can I have venners?

Monday, December 7th, 2009
Hii, i have aproblem in my frontal teath there is aspaces between them also one of my teath part is partly broken just little part ,can i put veneers to it or what can i do ,i really want your advice? sorry for waisting your time

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

What ball park figure would be acceptable for having implant?

Monday, December 7th, 2009
I am 63, had five front teeth ( 4 incisors and one cuspid) removed between the age of 17 and 21. I have all my other teeth intact. I have never got used to a partial, and wondered if there was anything else I could try at my age and so long after removal. ie implants of some sort. I know that if there is not enough bone left it can theoretically be grafted from elsewhere, but realistically, do you think this is possible and what sort of ball park figure would I be looking at if it were?

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

Would there be any problem in fixing refitted crown which is sticking out?

Monday, December 7th, 2009
Hi, I hope you can help me, i have recently had acrown and a veneer fitted on my two front teeth, my crown came out after only a week. my dentist has put it back in with a stronger cement however has pushed it froward when putting it in. now it sticks out further than my other teeth. my dentist has said she can take it out but will have to numb it and there is the chance the root might crack or the crown. do you have any advise on what to do. Thanks

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan