The crown continues to break off the implant

Q. My husband eye tooth brook off, and since it was so far down, his dentist advise us to have it removed and an implant done. He has had that done, and the crown continues to break off the implant. He is not eating anything hard when it breaks off. This last time was a sandwich. The third replacement was only three weeks ago. His dentist blames him, or that the cement is not good enough. I don’t understand why he is having these problems. My top four teeth are all crowned and I have had them for 10 years and not one problem, and I eat apples, and all kinds of hard items.

A. The following thoughts occur to me

for the origional tooth to snap the biting forces may be high – Has this been factored into the new rcrown on the implant

Implants have a choice of abutment to connect the implant to the crown, maybe the abutment and crown should be changed to a more robust design

Implants should be very predictable and able to stay put with normal use. If it does not, it is more likely to be a factor the dentist should rectify. Without seeing the case I could not offer a definite opinion.
regards Rob

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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