My teeth are wearing away I assume because of night grinding. Is there anything dental surgery or wizardry that can help?

Q. Hello, I am 38 and my teeth (I assume because of night grinding) have been steadily wearing away. They are now all much smaller than they should be which really reflects in my smile. I no longer have incisors as they are the same height as the rest of my teeth. Is there anything dental surgery or wizardry that can help? Many thanks 

A. There certainly is!!.  This is quite common in this day and age due to more people keeping their teeth for longer.  Very often the treatment involves increasing the length of the teeth in the upper /lower or both to rebuild the lost tooth height and to improve the function of the teeth.  Once this is done it is usual to give a night guard to protect the new restorations from damaging night time grinding.  Pleae ring my practice to make a free cosmetic consultation appointment and I will be able to discuss this further with you.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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