My son had missing front teeth can he have dental implants on NHS

Q. My 16 year old son has his front two teeth but the teeth either side of these are missing (they have never come through). As well as this all his teeth are quite small, so I am worried that bridges would not be suitable. He has a brace at the moment to keep his teeth in place. Is there anywhere that he could have Implants on the NHS?


A. Most dental schools have a hospital budget as well as a training budget. Most have some funds for implants. In Birmingham I think you need to be missing all or most of your teeth before being considered.

There are usually 2 routes
1. open the space enough to fit a false tooth ( denture vs adhesive bridge vs crown retained bridge vs implant )

2. close the space and reshape the corner tooth to look like a front tooth ( filling vs veneer )

At his age you would wait a few more years until the gum shape has ” matured ” & stabilized ( judged individually) then choose the definitive restoration. As he is already wearing a brace to keep the space a denture is the likely NHS solution until age 18-21ish

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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