Is it possible to have general anesthesia for teeth extraction?

i would like the rest of my teeth removing as they are in really bad condition and broken, but i want gas to remove them. is this possible ?
General anaesthetics where you are unconscious are only carried out in hospitals on rare occasions. A few practices might have gas and air sedation similar to the system used in the mid stages of childbirth.
I would recommend investigating IV sedation with midazolam as a good combination of accessibilty and strong sedative effect.
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:
June 16th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Maya Says :

Can an adult be put to sleep for extractions I don’t want to be awake when somebody pulls my teeth out i know you can have sedation but I don’t want this I want to be knocked out cold and wake up when my teeth have been pulled. Is there any hospitals in the UK that can put you to sleep for dentistry?

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