I would value you opinion on tooth whitening and veneer replacement.

Q. Hi, i have my own bottom teeth apart from 2 crowns,my top jaw is implants and veneers,i wanted my remaing teeth whitened and the implants &crowns replaced with porcelain to match the newly whitened teeth,i thought whitening should be done first but my dentist has said he will replace teeth on implants and the crowns veneers then whiten my own teeth to match,he suggested 2 shades lighter,i would value your opinion, regards,
A. If you are having a lot of high value work redone I personally prefer to whiten first. then you can get the maximum shade or the the shade you choose before matching the new porcelain. If you wish to discuss this please call and leave details for a callback. regards Rob
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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