I recently had my teeth crowned for cosmetics reasons

Q. I recently had my teeth crowned for cosmetics reasons. However my bottom teeth look lopsided i.e. one side is “lower than the other so that when I smile my smile looks crooked. I don’t know how to better describe this. As important I have one heck of a lisp which I did not have before the crowning of all my teeth. I feel self conscious when I speak to someone not to mention that I do TV film work and need to speak on a commercial. Is this a side effect of having all of the teeth crowned? Thank you for any suggestion you might have for my dilemma.

A. The sloping of your lower teeth may be able to be improved by recontouring the porcelain restorations.  Otherwise replacement of them maybe necessary.  Your lisp is likely to be due to the incorrect passage of air between the upper and lower teeth.  You may need the lower incisor tips slightly recontoured on their front surface to allow more air to pass between the upper and lower teeth when you say your S sounds.  If this does not work the incisal tips of your upper teeth may ned to be slightly reduced in length.  Hope this helps

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
March 13th, 2013 at 08:47 PM
Shirley Qan Says :

Dear Dr. Caplan;
Thank you very much for this information. I had four upper front crowns installed two weeks ago, to replace veneers. I told the dentist last week that I now have a lisp (“S” is the worst letter). She and her dental assistant denied any existence of a lisp, and the dentist said that I will have to get used to it.

The craftsmanship of the fake teeth is good, but it is embarrassing talking to my co-workers and external business partners on the phone. They probably think that I had a stroke. (I am 58 years old).


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