I have really sensitive back teeth, would lumineers help with this?

Q. Hi there, I have had my 2 front teeth crowned as they discoloured after root canal treatment. The crowns have been great however discoloured at the start of the gum, a darker blackish colour. I was told later that this is the base of the crown – can anything be done about this? I want to have straighter front teeth, but don’t want to crown or veneer them, as I was told that the crowns I have are the last chance to save my front teeth, as if I lose these there would be little I could do about replacing them. Naturally, I’m apprehensive about getting anything else done, so would lumineers be a better option as they require little tooth preparation? Also, I have really sensitive back teeth, would lumineers help with this too? Thanks.,
A. Hi Lumineers is out of the question. It may be possible to have two new allceramic crowns but a definitive answer could only be given after an examination to see the condition of the teeth.
Dr Kalpesh Bohara The Dental Suite 27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED Web: www.dental-suite.co.uk  Tel: 01509 231144 3 Rutland Street, Leicester City Centre, LE1 1RBTel: 0116 312 0054 View My Profile Dr Bohara

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