I had a veneer fitted by an NHS dentist, it has broken, should I go private to get it replaced?

I had a veneer fitted by my NHS dentist in August last year, although it was a slightly more expensive one than an NHS 1, I went to a lab to be colour matched. While I was sleeping last night it broke a quite large bit off the tip. and I found the broken off bit in my mouth. I am about to contact my dentist but know I wont get an appointment for weeks. Would I be better to go to a cosmetic dentist and go privately. Is this a common thing to happen? Or would getting it done privately mean better quality? It is just one veneer on one of my front teeth as I broke it when I was younger and it had been built up with a composite for years that wasn’t I good match colour and shape wise. How long do you think I would need to wait for a private cosmetic dentist appointment?
Veneers should be good for many years. We offer 5 years free replacement against fracture at our clinic. However we are careful about controlling the biting forces of the individual and sometimes use a cast or pressable ceramic which is stronger than “normal” porcelain.
It is hard to prescriptive without seeing a case but general rule would be to check on the warranty side and get as much detail as to the porcelain system used, generally higher quality systems have glossy promotional info which the dentist can show you.
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk
April 27th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Saul Says :

What do i do if i broke my temporary veneer?

April 28th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Billy Says :

I also broke my tooth veneer. Is there any way I can stick it immediately?,

April 28th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Sara Says :

A broken veneer usually requires to be redone

May 3rd, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Edward Says :

My tooth veneer broke. Is there any immediate solution that I can stick my veneer?

May 3rd, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Logan Says :

You can see your dentist who can either re stick the veneer or make you a temporary one.

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