I am currently wearing Invisalign

Q. Hello ! I am currently wearing Invisalign, and am on tray number 11 out of 13. I am almost done with my case, and while my bottom teeth look perfect, my top teeth do not. The dentist shaved a couple spaces in between my teeth to create room for them to move, and while the spaces are not there very much, the teeth that were shaved are now different shapes. This makes me very self concious. My dentist recommended that I get Lumineers, but after paying 4000 dollars to have Invisalign, and the shaving required changed the shape of my teeth, there is no way I want to pay even more money to have Lumineers for something that my dentist ruined. My main question is, Is there any other way to fix the shape of my teeth WITHOUT getting veneers? I truly do not want veneers, even if money was not an option. If you could please let me know of a solution, that would be awesome. I can not ask my dentist because she will only push Lumineers on me. Thank You !

A. Cosmetic bonding using tooth coloured filling will solve the immediate problem and let you decide your long term options.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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