Confused over the best treatment for my teeth

Q. I have an overbite and i’m losing my 4 front teeth.I’m thinking of removing the teeth and getting partial acrylic dentures and wearing them for a year and then switching to the flexi partial or dental implants whichever will be easeier on my wallet.My question is should i get braces first and then worry about my teeth falling out later? The reason i ask is because another dentist recommended just that and thought it was odd but then again i’m not a dentist.I will appreciate your response in this matter cause i’m so confused and i need to decide which will be the most effective dental plan for me.Thank you so much.

A. If your remaining teeth would benefit form a better position and if your gum line will be improved for future implants for your 4 front teeth I would also recommend a brace.  Hope that helps

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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