after 40 years wearing just top dentures is it possible to have implants for the lower jaw

Q. After 40 years wearing just top dentures is it possible to have implants for the lower jaw

A. Yes you have a number of options from permanently fixed teeth (Bridges and Crowns) to Implant supported dentures.
As you lost the teeth 40 years ago I would expect quite a lot of jaw shrinkage. A scan or Xray will need to be taken to asses the quantity, quality and position of the remaining jawbone. Then the dentist can plan how many implants can be placed. Then you can decide which is the best option for you.
We offer a 15 minute free implant consultation. This is to outline your main options. If you decide to proceed to a written treatment plan the costs are agreed at this visit. A full case assesment is £100 this increases to a maximum of £300 if a 3D (ICAT) jaw scan is needed.
If you come for the free consultation please bring details of any tablets or treatment that you are receiving from your medical GP

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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