When I have a crown put on will it affect my apisectomy

Q. My question When I have a crown put on no 46 will the dentist clean out the old emalgom filling,or will he just shape the tooth and put the new crown over the existing filling.Will this procedure interfere with the posterlok apisectomy in any way,and what type of crown do you recommend. I had a crown put on no 47 about 2004. In 2006/12/20 i had a posterlok apisectomy x2 on No 46+47 Code ko4.7. I would like to have a crown put on no 46 as i feel it would protect my tooth and prevent it from cracking.I am 54 years old.Female My other question to you is my full top denture needs to be relined and my dentist tells me that that he advises me not to reline my denture as my gum on the right side is a bit soft and there is no garantee that the next denture will fit properly. What can you advise me to do?

A. The likely treatment will be to crown over your existing amalgam provided that there is no decay present.   If this is done it is unlikely to effect the apicectomy underneath.  As far as your denture problem gos the gums underneath do shrink as time goes on.  Depending on how old your denture is and how worn the teeth are a reline or a new denture are possibilities.  A possible option would be to have a reline in your existing denture and if the end result is not satisfactory to have a new denture made.  That way you will have a spare denture and a new denture – never a bad thing !

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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