what is your advise on my tender bridges on my front tooth

Q. I have a bridge in the front with front tooth missing all porcline crowns and a steel reforcement at the back of the bridge. I have had it for 20 years but you can see the gap on one of the tooths, plus the bridge tender in parts plus i suffer with bad breath for the last year and an upset stomach. My dentist has checked my bridge and says to leave it alone if it is not hurting other people have said it might be a lot of work plus results will not be same! can your advise? Yours Sincerely

A. Hi. You need not suffer. If the aestetics of thr bridge is getting you down, then it may be a thought to have it replaced. You mentioned that it’s become tender in parts, that may be a sign that some teet may need root filling- but the bridge would probably have to come off anyway if that was the case. This can be confirmed with a simple x-ray.
The bridge at the neck has exposed some of the metal because gums shrink back over time. This is very common and something I see alot of.
Bad breath can be caused by lots of factors- I wouldn’t put it down to the bridge alone.
Discuss your concerns with your dentist, and if he/she still won’t treat it, then I would be more tan happy to see you for a free consultation at my kissdental practice. Hope this has been usefu for you.

Dr Kailesh Solanki Kissdental – UK Practice of the Year 2007 157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN.2 New Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2QS. 13 Stanley Street, Manchester, M8 8SH. Web: www.kissdental.co.uk Tel: 0161 748 5250 View My Profile Dr Solanki

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