Posts Tagged ‘gum loss’

Would i be able to get dental implants

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
I have dentures, and 2 wisdom teeth left, my gums are hard and thin and feels as though there is bone in them ??? would i be able to get dental implants, i do not like dentists as had bad experiance when i got most of them removed at age 11yrs

Dr Riten Patel The Mulberry 18 Ashley Road, Walton on Thames Surrey, KT12 1HS Web: Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Patel

I have advanced periodontal disease and want to know if i can have gum grafting

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Hi DR. I need yo help, I have advanced periodontal and all muy mouth gum has gone very low. I wish to know if it is possible to have gum grafting for the lining of my mouth, if so how much will it cost? Thanks

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

I have bone loss of an 80 year old and i’m 46. What is the best treatment for me for teeth that are coming loose?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
I have bone loss of an 80 year old and i’m 46. On my back teeth the lower part of the teeth below the gum line is now visible. Apparently, I only have 40% bone holding my teeth. What is the best treatment for me for teeth that are coming loose? Thanks.

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

I have developed gum disease and the teeth under the denture has decayed can I get implants

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
As a child I spent alot of time at the birmingham dental hosptial as I was found to have a rare condition that meant i only had my first teeth and would never develop my adult teeth and was missing several of my baby teeth as well. Since the age of 13 I was given a brace/denture on the top set of my teeth to wear over my natural baby teeth that were very small. I do have my own teeth on the bottom although these are like bably teeth as well, although these do not bother me as much. Since then I was very concious and became increasingly anxious about visiting the dentist. Since then I have developed bad tooth and gum disease to the top teeth under the denture and it is so bad they are decaying and are balck, but due to my fear of the dentist and belief no one can give me a smile to be be able to show off i have not been to go to a dentist in over 10 years. I know its madness but am terrified of what will happen and the fact that i will have to wear dentures and have no teeth at my age of 26 especially when i have a job and boyfriend i cant imagine having to wear a denture. I am hoping to find someone who can help me to get some kind of smile that i have never had even as as a child. Do you believe i could be able to get some implants or treatment or do you beleive i have left it to late. Hope you can help as it has been a real problem for me for all of my life and i finally am trying to do something about it.

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

Is it possible for gum tissue to grow back naturally once it has receded (assuming the gum disease has been treated successfully)?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Dear Dr Moore, I would really appreciate your advice on this as I’ve been given conflicting information so far.. Is it possible for gum tissue to grow back naturally once it has receded (assuming the gum disease has been treated successfully)? Or once the gums have receded do they never come back? Thanks for your help,

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

My dad has had very bad teeth, pain in the gums and is scared of the dentist

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Hi Rob, I am in need of some advise. My dad has had very bad teeth since he hit his tooth and failed to get it looked at. Years have gone by and still he has very bad teeth, he hasn’t a fully grown tooth in his mouth most of them have either fallen out or have broken in half. He also has pain in his gums. The reason he hasn’t been to the dentist is because he has a fear of them and is very nervous about going. I am after your advise on weather he is able to be put under whist they work on his teeth? and also is it likely to cost a lot of money? Is he able to get it done on the NHS? Thank you very much for your time.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

My front teeth have loosened a little and the come has receded considerably

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
I have never had the best shaped teeth in the world but have always been told by my dentist that they are good strong teeth. I dont smoke and I am very particular about cleaning my teeth and flossing. A couple of years ago my dentist retired and this has not helped me because I have not been to a dentist since. In the last couple of years one of my front teeth have loosened a little and the come has receded considerably. The tooth is sticking out further and further and I now have a gap each side of it. I dont smile anymore and when I clean my teeth, that tooth is really sore for quite a while after. I would not call it a toothache though. I know that I am going to lose the tooth eventually but I am petrified at the thought of false teeth. I cannot bear the thought of anything like that in my mouth. So what I would like to know is…..As I cant work through disability and am on benefits, would I be able to get a good reduction on cosmetic dentistry. I could afford to pay something but not a great deal. I would like an implant instead of the tooth I have. Would a dentist remove the tooth for me on request?

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

I have gum problem my bridge fell off I dont want dentures is deep clean a good option

Monday, March 30th, 2009
Im 52, hopefully not too late to take care of my very damaged teeth. ive been told for years to get a deep cleaning and ive been scared, so i havent. i brush daily, not alot of flossing. well, first thing, my bridge fell off (5 years old) two teeth underneith the bridge broke. its on now again, but for how long? second, i was told my bone has really decreased. i noticed my bite changing, but thought it was normal, well my teeth are shifting, one is floating according to my dentist. he recommends deep cleaning. i am rinsing with a presectiption rinse, am on antibiotics cause now i have infection above bridge area, and i floss maybe 6 times a day, brush twice. am i too late? HE SAYS less comprehensive is deep clean, most comprehensive is dentures. i dont want dentures. am i doing the right thing, or is it too late for me now.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

I have had gum problems and I would like to whiten my teeth

Monday, March 30th, 2009
I have had gum problems in the past but am now maintaining with good hygiene and dental care. I do however have some gum receding and bone loss. I would like to have my teeth whitened but do not wish to harm my gums further.Would teeth whitening be harmful and what would be the best system if any for me.

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

whitening damaged my gums so much that i cant brush my teeth and is very painful to eat anything

Monday, March 30th, 2009
Hello! I had a whitening done on my teeth twice in a two weeks for half an hour. That was done with bleech. My problem is that whitening damaged my gums so much that i cant brush my teeth and is very painful to eat anything. Is it normal that the gums are so burnt after the procedure?? Thanks

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore