Need more information on jaw surgery

Q. Okay well im 15 and i had braces for about 4 years. before i had them i had a bad gap and my teeth were completly crooked. After i got my braces off my teethe became straight and i did not have a gap anymore but the problem is i have a bad underbite and i have a jaw that jets out (long face shaped). My orthodontist told me that only way to fix it is to get jaw surgrey. I was wondering basically all about it, what it does? if i really should get it? how much it cost? -if you need more information or any questions for me please ask.

A. You can have your jaw broken and moved.  This is a “proper ” operation and is not 100% successful.  Discuss the pros and cons with your orthodontist an surgeon.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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