I was diagnosed with juvenile perionditis and now ive receding gums is there any thing i could do

Q. I was diagnosed with juvenile perionditis almost 10 years back. I recieved treatment such as scaling and splints and my teeth are much more sturdy now and no sign of the disease anymore. A few Dentists have told me that I pretty much have no hope with the after effect of the disease which left me with alot of receding of the gums. I’m very insecure about my smile and it does effect me mentally. I was told i’m not a candidate for implants or bridges because of the significant bone loss…is there anything I could do??? fyi…i’m only 28!

A. For patients who have reduced bone for dental implants, there is the possibility of bone grafts.

Dr Kalpesh Bohara The Dental Suite 27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED Web: www.dental-suite.co.uk  Tel: 01509 231144 3 Rutland Street, Leicester City Centre, LE1 1RBTel: 0116 312 0054 View My Profile Dr Bohara

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