I need a big gap between my front teeth filling, can this be done?

Q. Hi Doc! Im a south african lady currently in my late 20’s. I grew up having bad front teeth. i have a rotten front teeth that i want to remove and bridge it permanently and i also have huge gaps between my tooth that i want to fill. Please advice.,
A. If there is a large gap between the front teeth a bridge may not be the answer if the missing teeth need to be made unnaturally wide to fill the space. Two cantilver bridges or two single implants might be an alternative. If this is also unfavourable it might be worth salvaging the existing teeth. Some cosmeic practices like ours offer a free initial consultation to give rough guidance on the best option / costs after this assesment. Call Amy or Gurjit on 0121 643 0610 if you would like to arrange this at StJohns. If you want to proceed to treatment, a set of casts, photos & xrays are needed to simulate the finished result. This costs £200- 300 but is then used to show the finished results before touching your teeth. Once you are happy with the planning , you can recreate the results on your own teeth. Regards Rob
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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