I have had a crown on my front incisor

Q. I have had a crown on my front incisor for about 10 years now and it hase been replaced once before, however, it has now become loose and my new dentist thinks there may be a hairline fracture which means I will need a bridge. Your website indicates that the teeth on either side will need to be crowned to enable the bridge to be fitted and therefore I would like to take advantage had have lumineers fitted to the front 6 or 8. My dentist has advised that I would need the root removed first. Can you advise as to all my options and as I am an nhs patient can my dentist still do cosmetic work, provided i pay of course? Many thanks

A. Please stay away from Lumineers. They will not fix your problem and they may not be the best thing for especially if you have frcatiured teeth.
Also if you are going to have veneers then either 4, 8 or 10.
If you have 6 veneers then the front of the mouth becomes very prominent, hides the posterior teeth and creates the appearance of a narrower posterior section.
If you are going to have the front tooth replaced have you considered an implant. This would not involve drilling down your other teeth and will probably be cheaper than having all the teeth veneered.
Your NHS dentist may be able to carry out veneers but be very careful. Make sure that he /she has the right qualifications.
 I hate to generalise but many NHS dentists do not have extra training in the fields of cosmetic or restorative dentistry.
You should probably go to a private dentist for this treatment
I hope this helps
Kind regards

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web: www.smiledesigndental.co.uk  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

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