I have had a canine missing what can I do If my incisors moves into the gap?

Q. Hi, I have had a canine missing for at least about 7-8 years, would my lateral incisors move into the gap? As I have noticed that my 1st premolar has begun to do so. What can I do if it (incisor) moves into the gap and how much could it cost in total to resolve this?

A. There are many ways and costs to solve this. the most common solution would be to replace the missing tooth. The replacement would act as a space maintainer. At the lower end of costs a simple NHS acrylic denture costs £198 or is free if you are exempt from charges. At the upper end a dental implant and crown guide price would be £2000 – 3000. correction of existing movement may add to costs.Hope this helpsRobIf you would like a more specific answer contact 0121 643 0610 for a free initial consultation.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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