I have been looking into cosmetic dentistry

Q. Hi Dr Rob, I have been looking into cosmetic dentistry for a little while now. I have suffered from poor oral hygiene and crooked teeth for a long time, it has got to the stage where I do not smile. I have a slight over bite, have 2 teeth that are hidden underneath my bottom set of teeth and 2 short dracula teeth. I appreciate that you cannot give me your complete view without seeing me, but any advice at this early stage would be a great help. After years of misery I really need to sort my problem out as it leading to me feeling depressed. From the information I have gathered, I understand that there are several methods of dentistry available to me i.e. tooth veneers, implants and orthodontics. I would like to pursue the road to orthodontics possibly Invisalign as I understand that this is a long term solution and I am not after a quick fix. I would like to know if your surgery could help me, or if you could possibly recommend a colleague who specialises in this area. I live in the Birmingham area and would also like to know the cost for this procedure in the Birmingham area. Keep up the good work ! Many thanks


You probably would benefit from a multi disciplinary approach. You need to get your teeth healthy before you start moving them, no orthodontist will start unless your oral hygiene and basics are stable. I am happy to recommend several specialist orthodontists in the Birmingham area, one  who is an invisalign user. Some orthodontic work can be done “inhouse” my gut feeling is that we would refer  the orthodontics but manage the maintenance +/- final cosmetics.

I suggest you come for a no obligation consultation ( free )
contact the pratice mentioning the weblink, no charge for the talk, if xrays/ other tests are indicated you will be told and given the option of charges.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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