I have an overbite my whole jaw is out of shape

Q. I have been to see a cosmetic dentist and he advises I have an overbite resulting in only one of my teeth being weight bearing and my whole jaw being thrown out of shape. He tells me I can never wer dentures due to my top jaw and bottom jaw being tally diferent sizes, and suggests my only hope is either 5 implants or surgery to reshape my whole jawline. Both are expensive, involve significant amounts of surgery and pain. I am 50 and this sounds like a lot of treatment. Is it really needed?


Both suggestions are major treatments that might be appropriate. However I wouyld recommend one or two further opinions to discuss the right option for you. Regarding implants they rely on fixation within the bone and thus would not correct misaligned jaw positions.
A 15 minute preliminary implant / cosmetic discusion with a dentist is free at StJohns Birmingham if you mention the Cosmetic guide to Amy on booking. Follow the links from e-dental practice.co.uk

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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