I have a misplaced canine are there any other options for me other than a brace?

Q. Hi When I was 18 (I’m now 24)one of my canine teeth began to come through in the middle of the roof of my mouth. Since then it has moved forward greatly and now sits behind the milk tooth it was meant to replace. It is now at an angle which I believe is because it cannot move any further forward due to my lower teeth obstructing it when my mouth is closed. I know I should do something about it although it isn’t really causing me any problems because eventually my milk tooth will wall out, however I’m very reluctant to get a brace as I work in the fashion industry. A dentist once suggested it might be a possibility to file the adult tooth down and fix a cap/veneer in order to make it inline with my other teeth. Do you think this is possible or are there any other options for me other than a brace? Thanks very much for your help

A. I have treated cases with misplaced canine / retained milk tooth by Crowns & veneers the advantage is that is takes a couple of visits 1-2 weeks apart. It is a good choice when the tooth is not too far out of line.
I have also removed the milk & Canine tooth & replaced with a dental implant & crown. This is useful when the canine tooth postion is poor and the milk tooth is about to fail. It does take longer but once done it is a very stable result.
lower cost in the same situation is replacement with a bridge , adhesive or crown retained.
Other alternatives use clear orthodontic positioners such as Clearstep or Invisalign Systems
If you wish to investigate further we offer a free intial consultation. If you then choose a full written case assesment with photo & cast simulation it is £200, or £300 including orthodontic treatment plans.
Dr Rob Tennet
0121 643 0610

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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