I am happy with results of braces but what can I do?

Q. hope all is well. i am 21 and approaching the end of my orthodontic treatment. i got my braces in a few months before my 18th birthday. i always had straight teeth and never really felt i need braces, until my dentist told me i would need them due to me having an overbite. i was told i would need to extract 2 teeth from my upper and that the gaps will close with the treatment thus reducing my overbite. (my overbite before treatment was 7mm and now it is 3mm.) now near the end of my treatment, i am not happy with the results at all. firstly, i feel my teeth are much worse of than what they used to be. i also feel that my facial structure and features have also changed. i dont like my new smile and feel my teeth have moved too far back. my lips are much bigger and my profile isnt as good as it used to be. i feel very low and depressed and have lost my confidence. i use to be very happy and full of confidence, always a smile on my face. now doctor, i dont know what to do. does orthodontic treatment really change the shape of your face and your features? (well with the treatment ive had done anyway). and if i wanted to remove the braces and allow my teeth to go back to their normal position, will my features go back to what they used to be and my teeth go back to where they were without any problems? ive spoken to my orthodontist and he’s told me that treatment does not not change any facial features and only surgery can do that. unfortunately, i dont believe him. ive also looked alot on the internet but people seem to give different answers. it would be much appreciated if you could help me and answer the above questions and give me some advice. thank you for your time doctor and look forward to hearing from you soon. kind regards,
A. hi, this is obviously affecting you a great deal and the reason you are not getting a straight answer is because the treatment provided is not clear and thus its affects cannot be determined. i would advise seeing another orthodontist and seeking a second opinion. regards safeer
Dr Safeer Butt S3 Dental – Synergistic Smile Studios Clinics in Kent, Surrey & Sussex Web: www.s3dental.co.uk Tel: 020 8398 6322 View My Profile Dr Butt

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