I am 23 i want my teeth removed and dentures put in advice?

Q. Hi i am beyond exasperated with my teeth now. i have a HUGE fear of the dentist. i recently had two teeth taken out after many a muddle up and going to about 6 different dentist, been referred for sedation etc and it was just awful. i am not getting pain in my other teeth and i just cannot handle it anymore. i will be willing to get money from somewhere but i am wondering IF its possible to have ALL of my teeth removed and dentures put in?i could NOT bare veneers or implants – that is simply out the question. i just want all my teeth out and dentures. i am 23, i know it’s young but honestly, i am at the end of my tether now. please could you give me any info this — if its even possible, what would happen, the cost etc. thank you so much.

A. I am sorry to hear of your predicament and I am glad you are not in pain at the moment.  I am unable to give you advice regarding your problems due to the serious nature of having all of your remaining teeth removed.  

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
July 13th, 2012 at 08:47 PM
Nomoreteeth Says :

Why is that every dentist consulted on a patient asking for their teeth be removed & fitted with dentures say NO! Cannot the patients wishes ever be accepted? I went through what this gentleman is asking for years. Refused at every turn. Finally I found a dentist who honored my request. When the last tooth was placed in his collection pan, I was edentulous and very happy! Now using dentures, I never have pain or frustration as the gentlemen refers, I just have a great smile and eat anything I want.

You should have said YES and referred him to a dentist who would do the extractions!

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