How much would it cost to correct a gummy smile?

Hi, my dentist has recently said I need 2 implants, which has started me thinking about other cosmetic treatment, I have a very gummy smile and teeth that are quite small, as well as the usual discoloration. At the best part of £5000 for the 2 implants, how much would I be looking at to radically alter my smile?


Different dentists will come up with different plans & prices depending on where you start and what radical means to you. As well as financial cost you also balance the time taken , the tooth reduction required ( or not ) surgical gum contouring and whether a procedure might put you off emotionally. a smile makeover costs about £6,000 to £12,000 but some get substantially more.
The best bet would be a few consultations, to chat about what can be done, decide priorities and a budget.
To book a free initial consultation at StJohns, call 0121 643 0610.
Hope this helps
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:
April 26th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Becky Says :

Hi I have been told that i have a narrow upper jaw and therefore my smile looks ‘gummy’ because my top teeth sit almost inside my bottom teeth rather than the outside giving me a very narrow smile. Is there any dentistry that could help make my smile bigger and wider? Thks

April 26th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Kim Says :

I would advise you to see an Orthodontis or Cosmetic Invisalign Dentist for a consultation. Thank you

January 14th, 2012 at 08:47 PM
Maha el mekki Says :

hi I have a gummy smile and I considered diffident options but eventually I settled on the gummy smile botox treatment where a small amount of botox is injected in the area above the upper lip preferably in 4 places to relax the muscle so the lip would’t go up as high as it does while smiling. I am aware that this treatment effect lasts only for 4 to 6 months which am happy with.
my question is how much does it cost and does the effect lasts longer with repeated treatments.
king regard

April 2nd, 2012 at 08:47 PM
Clark Says :

Hi I am looking to find someone qho can perform a gunm lift. I’ve been doing some research that there might be hope for me yet, that this could cure me. I have excessive gums showing and I have to control how I smile. I live in the Nottingham area and I’m a bit scepticle as to who is qualified to do this kind of work as some dentist say they deal with gummy smiles but actually don’t have the experience. How can I tell if a dentist is qualified to do this good. I’d hate to have it done and it not work and I look hideous.

April 2nd, 2012 at 08:47 PM
Leo Says :

Ask if they have a periodontist (a gum specialist) or a dentist who is experienced in performing this procedure and go to the practice and ask to see examples of their work in this field

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