How can Underbite be treated advice?

Q. Hi, im turning 30 this year, and all my life my slight underbite has bothered me, and this year ive decided to get something done with it before i reach 30. i have attended an orthodontist in the past and he told me i have a class 3 underbite,and surgery was the option. but as i have a child with special needs and needs a lot of attention, its a route i just cant go down. Would love to know, would getting all my teeth removed and replaced with false teeth be an option, or veneers placed over the top teeth to bring them slightly foward. or can i get a brace to push out my top teeth. Would be willing to lose all my teeth and replace them with false ones , just for a better appearance. please please, can you let me know if any of the options above are possible. I wont consider surgery. thank you for you time Can email you pics of my teeth if you wish.


Firstly I would never advise removal of healthy teeth.

 As you have already had an orthodontic assessment I would suggest that you have some further assessments with other orthodontists, as there are different treatments and products on the market that could help correct your under bite.

These products may not fully correct your class 3 under bite but may improve aesthetically.

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

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