Archive for the ‘Dr Suri’s Answers’ Category

what is the cost of veneers

Monday, September 8th, 2008
I have very bad theeth and i was just wondering how much it would cost to get total veneers done, could you also giveation at the practice  a few segestions as to what else i could do thank you

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

which is medicine in dental abcess

Monday, September 8th, 2008
Which is medicine in dental abcess

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

How can i close a front teeth gap

Sunday, August 24th, 2008
I have a gap between my 2 front teeth, and i would like for the gap to be closed to make my appearance better. i wore a brace when i was 13 years old as my right front tooth was quite crooked, although i wore it for 12months, the tooth wasnt completely straightened. i have always been conscious of the gap and wondered how i go about getting it closed.

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

help me find a dentire to repair my broken and crumbled teeth

Monday, August 18th, 2008
Most of my teeth have crumbled and only the bottom set remain ,these though are in desperate need of fixing .i am terrified of going too the dentist as i still have broken teeth remaining and im so scared that the treatment needed is enormous. i am in desperate need too fix my teeth as my whole lifestyle is now affected,i have no confidence whatsoever,whereas before i was very outgoing and loved too meet and chat too lots of people ,please help and give me some information that could put my mind at ease and help me find a good dentist who also will sedate me when i recieve treatment.i am willing too pay for treatment. thankyou

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

should i have a crown or a white filling

Monday, August 18th, 2008
I have been having treatment for a root cancal on two teeth. My dentist believes that white fillings will be best for these teeth is this the cas as I am aware that crowns may be best. Also a fracture tooth needs repaired. She believes that white filling will be best. Is this also the case? Due to my previous illness of anorexia and bulima for over ten years this has erroded my teeth and has left them in bad shape at the back. Is there anyway I can build these teeth back up again? I am also aware that people can become models for students in college. I would be happy to do this if I was to recieve good dental treatment. Thankyou for your help.

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

i need 2 dental implants after trauma

Monday, August 18th, 2008
I was in an accident on vacation involving a scooter, I fractured my two front teeth well above the gum line and had them almost immediately bonded in once in the emergency room. Upon returning back I had two root canals done on each respective tooth and had the bonding re-done for an ameliorated hold. I went in once a week for almost 3 months and had my root canals scraped and medicated in order to ward off infection. After infection ceased, a specific kind of medicine (used to help fractures heal) was put into each tooth and sealed for roughly two months. After many x-rays done almost bi-weekly it seemed as though the fractures where indeed healing well. After six months of this (all the time still wearing my bonding) the x-rays revealed that while my fractures where nearly healed my body was rejecting the fractured teeth and they were not going to be saved. The next step now (I have been told) is too remove the fractured teeth (extract roots and all), let my gums heal for an x-amount of time and from there possibly go ahead and shave down up 4 teeth (2 incisors and 2 canines at most, possibly only the 2 incisors at least) and have me fitted and prep for a bridge. I understand that a bridge has a negative connotation in the realm of dentistry these days. It last significantly less than implants, does not sustain or promote viable bone in the jaw, and need endless maintenance. My worries are the following: Given the area of my injury, I understand it is difficult to put in implants (the nose is directly above, there is a greater risk of infection etc. etc.), but would I still be better off opting for the implants? would the bridge work well for me in this situation? I am 23 years old and in good health, I just want to be able to smile again without looking like I have a white caterpillar with a silver streak crawling across my mouth. I am running low on patience and want to put an end to this. Please advise and thank you for your time and consideration

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

will valplast dentures fracture

Monday, August 18th, 2008
I went to a private dentist because they used Valplast for partial dentures. I have now been told Valplast would be likely to fracture because of my bite. Is this correct? I thought Valplast was much stronger than ordinary acrilic.

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

Can I have teeth removed under anesthetic

Sunday, August 17th, 2008
Is it still possible to have teeth removed under anasthetic

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

can i have teeth whitening after braces

Sunday, August 17th, 2008
Hi! I am due to have my braces removed in November of this year after 4 years of orthodontic and dental treatment. Although i am now really happy with the alignment of my teeth, my teeth don’t seem to be as white as they were before i had braces and some of my teeth look “marked”, i was told this could be from the various types of braces i had to have (retainers, head-gear, fixed braces…) i have been told that the teeth may look better once my fixed brace is finally removed but is whitening treatment a viable option to improve the appearence of the marks and if so is there an age restriction (i am 16)? Thank you for your time

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri

I had tooth loss when pregnant and now I want dental implants

Sunday, August 17th, 2008
Dear Komal I have had a top set of dentures since I was about 24yrs old as I lost a lot of teeth when pregnant and hated dentists so it was easier to have them remove my top set and I’m now 50yrs old. I haven’t been to the dentist for about 20+ years either, partly due to money and partly due to anxiety and embarrassment. Having put 2 children through University on my own and now having the chance to take voluntary redundancy I have considered possibility of having dental implants and sorting out my teeth but am unsure of how much it may cost for a full top set and whether I would be suitable – could you advise please? Also, as I live near Chester could you recommend a more local expert I could approach? With all my heart I wish I had my own teeth and know that implants would give me more confidence in myself and make me feel much happier too. I would just have to find the courage to go along for a consultation too. Kind regards

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri