Can you place extra gum over a large tooth

Q. How difficult it is to implant gum over an extra large teeth and what hygienic disadvantages are implied in the use of veneers?


A. There are different types of gum procedure possible to cover over a defect. These include taking some gum from another area- often the roof of the mouth – or moving some gum next door to the defect over it- this uses a split graft technique leaving the underlying tissue over the original area. The success rate varies and is usually carried out by a gum specialist (a periodontist).

If veneers fit correctly there are few problems with keeping them clean compared to normal teeth. The only real problem can happen if the margins are placed too far under the gum causing permanent localised inflammation. Fortunately this is rare as by the very nature of veneers they usually have their margins at or away from the gum margin.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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