Am I spending more than required for fixing my grinding problem?

Q. I have bridge that was replaced by my general dentist last year. Since then, I had a lot of problems because when the molar (#31) was grind down, it exposed the nerve. I had root canal done. However, after the rct, I was still having pain. The endodontist told me she was not able to get through one of the canals because it was blocked & curved. I went to another endodontist who recommended a retreatment. The tooth feels a little better, with some sensitivity. The bridge is always getting loose because there is not much tooth to hold the bridge. My dentist is recommending a crown lengthening. I am afraid I am spending too much money on this tooth, but would it really be worth it.

A. It may be that the situation is going so down hill that the tooth should be removed , the area allowed to heal and an implant placed.  If you have crown lengthening they will remove bone and this may make placing an implant more complicated if the treatment is not successful.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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