How long will it take for my receeding gums to recorrect themselves following having crowns fitted?

Hi there!
I just had a lot of work done to my teeth about 2 and a half weeks ago, including 9 crowns in the front on the top. I went out of the country for all of my work and crammed the whole process into a 12 day span. The temps made my gums very irritated and inflamed, so irritated in fact that they had to re-do 2 of my crowns because my gums receded so bad. So now that I have my crowns in, I’m having problems with my gums, and worried they will recede again. Maybe I’m just paranoid… I’ve been taking extra care with brushing and even massaging them. How long will it take for my gums to come down over the crowns and what can I do to help the process? I think I just need some reassurance.
Hopefully the gums will rebound. However it sounds as though you may have gum disease that requires treatment
Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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