You’re More Likely to Skip Check-Ups If You’re Single, Study Shows

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New research has suggested that you’re more likely to skip dental check-ups if you’re single. Researchers at the University of Queensland also discovered that singletons were more likely to have poorer standards of oral health than those in a relationship.

Grace Branjerdporn, from the research team, explained that the study highlighted a correlation between our oral health and relationship status. Those who were single were more likely to miss out on regular appointments and more likely to describe their oral health as “poor”.

The study also suggested that people who didn’t have a partner were more likely to feel self-conscious about the appearance of their smile. The team suggested that people who distance themselves from others and fear emotional attachment are less likely to keep up to date with routine appointments, potentially because they worry about seeking advice or they have difficulty trusting others.

Ms Branjerdporn explained that the study is the latest research project to link emotional detachment and decreased uptake of medical care.

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