Your Smile Really Does Matter, According To Senior Management

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Most of us are concerned with our image, but a recent poll has suggested that the way we look affects more than our own confidence. A survey of senior management staff revealed that a person’s smile affects their employability and the chances of people deciding to do business with them.

In a survey conducted by YouGov, senior decision makers revealed that the appearance of someone’s smile and their oral hygiene has a major bearing on their chances of success in business and their chances of getting a job. Forty-four per cent of people said that they would be less inclined to employ someone with an unattractive smile or poor oral hygiene. A further 48 per cent said that the same issues would affect their decision to do business with them in the future.

The survey, which was conducted for AXA PPP healthcare revealed that oral health really does matter. There is evidence to suggest that employers who offer benefits for their staff to improve standards of oral health gain additional benefits, as they are a lot healthier overall. This also means that there is a lower risk of them having to take time off work as a result of dental issues.

Employees who show off a bright, healthy looking smile are likely to be more successful, especially in roles where face to face contact and networking are important, such as sales and marketing, advertising and consulting.

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