Woman Shows The Results Of 18 Months Of Severe Underbite Treatment

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Jodie Hart, a 26 year old woman who works in PR, has been showing off the results of 18 months worth of intensive dental treatment. The orthodontic treatment was to fix an underbite, which was so severe that she struggled to eat properly.

Jodie first noticed that she had an underbite during her teenage years and had braces fitted. She hoped that they would correct the problem, which occurs when the lower jaw protrudes further than the upper jaw, but the position of the lower jaw worsened. By the time Jodie was 17 she was finding it very difficult to chew her food properly. She said that she also felt very self-conscious because she was aware that her jaw looked different to other people’s.

After undergoing orthodontic treatment, Jodie had surgery on her jaw. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and involves cutting the sides of the jaw in order to move the lower jaw backwards. Once the jaw is in the correct position, it is held in place with titanium plates, which are compatible with the tissues in the body and can be placed for life.

Jodie had four screws implanted into the jaw and recovery time took around 5 weeks. During this time, Jodie said that she had severe pain and she suffered from swelling and lock-jaw. However, now that she has fully recovered, she said the procedure was well worth it and she is now able to eat comfortably. She also feels much more confident about her appearance.

Mr Daryl Coombes, consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, said that an underbite is a fairly common problem, which can usually be corrected using orthodontic treatment. In severe cases, such as Jodie’s, surgery is required to move the jaw.

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