White smile ‘linked to intelligence’

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People with a bright white smile are perceived to be more intelligent, new research has revealed.

An online study carried out by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), asked respondents to judge photographs of people before and after cosmetic dental treatment in various categories.

Survey participants judged the photographs on how attractive, intelligent, happy, successful in their career, friendly, interesting, wealthy, popular with the opposite sex, kind and sensitive to others they were.

The photographs of people after cosmetic dentistry were marked higher in all of the categories.

Dr Marty Zase, president of the AACD, said a higher rating in attractiveness and popularity with the opposite sex was expected, but admitted that the body was caught "by surprise" at the results for the other categories.

"We’ve been telling people that a beautiful smile was a great investment in their futures," he added. "Now we have independent evidence."

None of the participants in the survey were told that they were looking at dentistry.

Previous research by the AACD revealed that among cosmetic dentistry professionals, Eva Mendes is thought to have the best celebrity smile.ADNFCR-1374-ID-18500417-ADNFCR

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