US uni sued for wrongly pulling teeth

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An American university is being sued for $10million after dentists wrongfully extracted almost all of a disabled woman’s teeth.

Oral health residents at the University of Colorado (UoC) are being slapped with a medical malpractice suit after they removed and filled some of 54-year-old Ida Dunn’s teeth without informed consent.

The notice of claimed alleged that Dunn had 13 of her 14 teeth extracted without her carers consent and that they are seeking $10million for the wilful and wanton flouting of Colorado’s dental laws.

According to reports, Dunn had visited UoC to have her teeth cleaned with foster-care Danuta Tracz. She was not told that she would have any teeth extracted.

The consent forms that Dunn was asked to stamp did not mention and removal or filling procedures.

The lawsuit also suggests that Dunn suffered with fever, aches and a lengthy infection and was not prescribed any painkillers or antibiotics to help her with these issues.

Dr Paul Bottone and resident Derek Dean are now having to undergo an investigation to examine consent, surgerical and prescription practices.

The lawsuit wants Dunn to be awarded $10million compensation but Colorado state caps legal liability for government employees, including public university staff, at $150,000 in most circumstances.

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March 5th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
Wayne Says :

Get the facts straight, another case of someone trying to get an easy buck. The only truth to this is the names of those involved.