Turbulent Economy Taking its Toll on Dental Care

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The turbulent economy is taking its toll on dental care, with an alarming proportion of Brits delaying or cancelling dental appointments in order to save money.

A recent survey carried out by the British Dental Health Foundation, revealed that more than a third of adults are likely to delay dental appointments because they cannot afford treatment. More than 25 percent of participants said that they were visiting the dentist less frequently due to cost; while almost 1 in 5 people admitted that they were spending less on oral health.

In light of the worrying findings, the British Dental Health Foundation has warned against false economy, as missing routine appointments is likely to increase the risk of complex dental conditions, which are much more expensive to treat.

Representatives from the BDHF said that it was particularly worrying that a quarter of people considered going to the dentist less of a priority. The survey also showed that people on lower incomes were less likely to proceed with recommended treatment courses.

As well as reducing the risk of common dental illnesses, such as gum disease and decay, regular check-ups are also important for checking for signs of other conditions, such as oral cancer, which can be fatal.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said that delaying appointments is likely to increase the cost of dental care in the long-run, as well as putting oral health at risk. Routine appointments are cheap and very quick, but they are very important, especially as research is consistently finding links between oral health and general health.


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