Posts Tagged ‘stem cell research’

Dentist Removes Daughter’s Teeth To Use Stem Cells

Dentist Removes Daughter’s Teeth To Use Stem Cells

A dentist has removed his daughter’s front teeth to use the stem cells in the event of her falling ill in the future. Callum Graham removed his daughter, Becca’s front teeth and they will now be frozen so that the stem cells can be used to treat her if she becomes ill in the future. […]

Bad Breath Gas Instrumental in Stem Cell Research

Bad Breath Gas Instrumental in Stem Cell Research

Researchers in Japan have claimed that the gas linked to bad breath and flatulence is instrumental in stem cell research. Hydrogen sulphide, a gas known for its odorous properties, has been used by researchers in Japan to convert stem cells from the teeth into new liver cells. Scientists at Nippon Dental University revealed that studies […]

Dentist extracts tooth stem cells for future medicine

Dentist extracts tooth stem cells for future medicine

Three Denver-based dentists are teaming up with StemSave™ in order to offer their patients a chance to store valuable stem cells for possible future “Regenerative Medical Therapies.” The National Institutes of Health recently discovered that powerful stem cells were contained in teeth, which could help protect their dental health in the future. Denver dentists Dr. […]

Edmonton professor gets the green light for study on tooth re-growth

Edmonton professor gets the green light for study on tooth re-growth

A dental professor from Edmonton has secured a one million dollar grant to conduct a research project on tooth re-growth. Dr Tarek El-Bialy, from the University of Alberta, has been given the grant for three years by the Qatar National Research Foundation; he will use the money to fund his study on tooth re-growth. Four […]

Havana dentists successfully use stem cells to treat patients with periodontal disease

Havana dentists successfully use stem cells to treat patients with periodontal disease

Dentists in Havana, Cuba, have not only recently succeeded in meeting the goal two years ahead of the deadline set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to improve the state of children’s oral cavity health, but have also announced success in use of stem cells to treat patients with periodontal disease this past week at […]

Dental pulp in extracted teeth provides alternatives to controversial stem cell research

Dental pulp in extracted teeth provides alternatives to controversial stem cell research

The controversial use of embryos for stem cell research in regenerative medicine has led researchers to try and find alternatives sources for stem cell therapy used in treatment of human diseases, such as bone marrow transplants to treat leukaemia. Stem cells are used to regenerate damaged tissue in the body and can develop into other […]