Posts Tagged ‘periodontitis’

New study claims treating gum disease could improve diabetes symptoms

New study claims treating gum disease could improve diabetes symptoms

A new study claims that treating gum disease could improve diabetes symptoms. Research funded by Diabetes UK has found that treating the symptoms of gum disease helps patients who have type 2 diabetes to regulate sugar levels. The study also suggests that treating gum disease could also help to lower the risk of complications related […]

HPV Infection Raises Risk of Periodontitis

HPV Infection Raises Risk of Periodontitis

A study undertaken at the University of Buffalo reveals that cancer-causing Human Pailloma Virus (HPV) raises the risk of developing advanced gum diseases, such as Periodontitis. Those infected with HPV tumours displayed greater bone loss, such as that associated with Periodontitis. Previous research has revealed the link between poor oral health and cancer. However, this […]

Laser Treatment Holds the Key for Gum Disease Sufferers

Laser Treatment Holds the Key for Gum Disease Sufferers

Gum disease is incredibly common, with up to 90 percent of people expected to experience a bout of the condition at some point in their lives and 10 percent of people classed as ‘susceptible’ to the disease. Treatment for advanced gum disease is usually very complex and requires several appointments over a long period of […]

Untreated Gum Disease had Long-Term Implications for Health

Untreated Gum Disease had Long-Term Implications for Health

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health diseases but it can be extremely dangerous, especially when left untreated. Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease and most people suffer from gingivitis at some point in their lives. Symptoms include swollen and sore gums and bleeding especially after brushing. Gingivitis is easily […]

Phillips and Dental Duo Advocate Prevention over Cure

Phillips and Dental Duo Advocate Prevention over Cure

The key philosophy in dentistry of late has been prevention before cure; that is, maintaining good oral health so that restorative procedures at your dentist are not needed. To this end, Phillips is holding a touring road show to spread awareness of prevention following an exception sell-out meeting series in Belfast and Glasgow earlier in […]

Further Evidence over importance of Vitamin D

Further Evidence over importance of Vitamin D

An article posted on this website only a few days ago spoke about the growing importance and concerns regarding Vitamin D deficiency, and as time goes on further evidence of the significance of the vitamin is becoming more widespread. Recently it has been confirmed that vitamin D can be of a great help to the […]

Researchers investigate cause of gum disease in males

Researchers investigate cause of gum disease in males

Researchers from the University of Maryland Dental School have revealed that sex hormones may be the cause of higher rates of gum disease in males. Men are at a higher risk of developing destructive periodontitis, an infection which affects the gums, than women and the research team conducted the first review of the development and […]

A new programme is to make US oral health control a top concern

A new programme is to make US oral health control a top concern

A new strategic programme has been launched in the United States to help monitor and control the rising levels of periodontal disease. The initiative was created through a partnership between the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Oral Health (CDC DOH), and is part of a […]

Dental Council of New Zealand assessing dentist’s breach of Health and Disability Code

Dental Council of New Zealand assessing dentist’s breach of Health and Disability Code

A report by the Health and Disability Commission sent to the Dental Council of New Zealand found that the dental treatment received by a New Zealand teacher, named as Mrs. A, amounted to about $29,000 since 2006 and was found to be of low quality. Investigation by the acting Health and Disability Commissioner revealed that […]

Treatment for gum disease may lower glucose levels in type 2 diabetes sufferers

Treatment for gum disease may lower glucose levels in type 2 diabetes sufferers

Researchers have discovered that routine treatment for gum conditions may lower blood glucose levels in those that suffer from type 2 diabetes. The team, which includes experts from the Edinburgh Dental Institute, analysed data from seven studies, which focused on people aged over 16 with type 2 diabetes; all the participants had already been diagnosed […]