Posts Tagged ‘Oral Health’

Could the Selfie Craze Have a Positive Impact on Oral Health?

Could the Selfie Craze Have a Positive Impact on Oral Health?

A new study has suggested that the selfie trend could have a positive impact on our oral health. New research claims that video selfies could play a positive role in improving our brushing technique, leading to a lower risk of gum disease and dental decay. In a study conducted at Case Western Reserve University School […]

New Survey Shows a Third of Americans Never Floss

New Survey Shows a Third of Americans Never Floss

A new survey carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that a third of adults in the USA never floss, despite dentists recommending daily flossing. Researchers analysed data from thousands of Americans collected between 2009 and 2012. Almost 40 percent of people said they flossed occasionally and only 30 percent followed […]

Leading Dentist Issues Warning Over Electric Toothbrushes

Leading Dentist Issues Warning Over Electric Toothbrushes

A leading dentist from Manchester has warned people that they may be damaging their teeth by failing to use electric toothbrushes properly. Dr Tariq Idrees from Carisbrook Dental said that people often assume they’re doing their dental health the world of good when investing in an electric toothbrush. However, using the brush incorrectly can actually do […]

40% of UK Adults Don’t Brush Twice a Day, Survey Suggests

40% of UK Adults Don’t Brush Twice a Day, Survey Suggests

A new survey has suggested that 40 percent of UK adults don’t brush their teeth twice a day. Research carried out by teeth whitening company White Glo, found that four out of ten people only brush once a day, despite advice from dentists to clean our teeth twice a day. The news is all the […]

National Smile Month 2016

National Smile Month 2016

On the 16th May 2016, National Smile Month launched with a bang. Now in its 40th year, the annual campaign, run by the Oral Health Foundation, aims to get people talking about oral health and encourage them to take steps towards better dental health. About National Smile Month National Smile Month will run until the […]

Is Your Diet Ruining Your Teeth?

Is Your Diet Ruining Your Teeth?

It’s no secret that good oral hygiene is one of the most effective ways to stave off decay. But even if you brush and floss religiously, a bad diet could undo all your hard work. Certain foods are harmful for our teeth and eating them regularly could increase your risk of oral disease. Here’s some […]

The Damaging Impact of Smoking on Your Teeth

The Damaging Impact of Smoking on Your Teeth

Many people are aware of the general health dangers of smoking, but have you ever stopped to think how puffing on a cigarette affects your oral health? Smoking and gum disease Smoking is a known risk factor for gum disease. The chemicals in cigarettes reduce circulation and blood flow to the gums and they also […]

5 Oral Health Benefits You’ll Notice When You Quit Smoking

5 Oral Health Benefits You’ll Notice When You Quit Smoking

Smoking carries major health risks and these are not just limited to the organs in your body. As well as increasing your risk of lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems, smoking also poses a risk for your oral health. If you’ve decided to quit as part of the Stoptober challenge, here are just 5 […]

Norfolk Health Chiefs Urged to Focus on Oral Health

Norfolk Health Chiefs Urged to Focus on Oral Health

Health chiefs in Norfolk have been urged to invest more money into oral health services to try and reduce the number of people suffering from dental decay in the area. Members of NHS England and the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee have urged local health authorities to launch a new campaign to raise awareness […]

How Good Oral Health Could Help Athletes Succeed

How Good Oral Health Could Help Athletes Succeed

Dentists believe that good oral health could help elite athletes to perform better. Experts speaking at the Oral Health and Performance in Sport conference, which was held in London, believe that good oral health improves sporting performance because oral health issues affect an athlete’s ability to train and perform at the highest level. Dentists believe […]