Posts Tagged ‘Elleven Dental’

London Dentist Reveals Summer’s Most Damaging Foods and Drinks

London Dentist Reveals Summer’s Most Damaging Foods and Drinks

In the summer months, many of us make an effort to get in shape, but have you spared a thought for your teeth? Many of the summer treats we love to indulge in are actually very damaging to our teeth and gums. Elleven Dental’s Dr Sameer Patel has revealed some of the worst offenders and […]

Celebrities Take to the Golf Course to Support Elleven Dental’s Charity Day

Celebrities Take to the Golf Course to Support Elleven Dental’s Charity Day

A host of celebrities tuned out to support a charity golf day organised by Elleven Dental. Lewis Moody MBE and cricketer Ed Giddins were among those who pitted their wits against the greens and bunkers in aid of the charity Smile Train. The golf day took place on the 13th May at Buckinghamshire Golf Club. […]

Could Your Summer Diet be Rotting Your Teeth?

Could Your Summer Diet be Rotting Your Teeth?

Summer is here and many of us are happily enjoying salads, fruit juices and after-work cocktails. While a summer diet is often considered healthier than hearty winter comfort food, there are some hidden threats, especially when it comes to your dental health. Dr Sameer Patel from Elleven Dental in London has warned that summer favourites […]

Harley Street Dentist Highlights Dangers of ‘Food on the Go’

Harley Street Dentist Highlights Dangers of ‘Food on the Go’

A Harley Street dentist is encouraging people to be wary of eating on the go. Dr Sameer Patel, from Elleven Dental, believes that many people are consuming more sugar than they think due to snacking and eating convenience foods at work. Dr Patel highlighted some of the main dangers, including fruit smoothies, popcorn, bread, tea […]

Could Fad Diets Be Ruining Your Teeth?

Could Fad Diets Be Ruining Your Teeth?

Dental experts are warning that fad diets, which tend to become increasingly popular in the summer months, could be damaging the nation’s oral health. Dr Sameer Patel, from Elleven Dental, claims that people are putting their oral health at risk by engaging in fad diets in a bid to lose weight rapidly. When the summer […]