Posts Tagged ‘dental funding’

Greens Preparing Dental Trade-off Deal

Greens Preparing Dental Trade-off Deal

The Australian Green Party is preparing to accept a trade-off deal in order to push through plans for a universal dental scheme. The Greens were planning to veto a tax increase on wealthy citizens without private medical insurance, worth $170 million, but they have agreed to drop the veto if the government agrees to introduce […]

Two Hundred Thousand Pounds of Funding Up for Grabs

Two Hundred Thousand Pounds of Funding Up for Grabs

Funding for dental research is always highly sought after, but the £200 000 that is being offered to the successful applicant (or applicants) by the Shirley Glasston Hughes Trust Fund is certain to be highly contested for by many would be researchers. The Shirley Glasstone Hughes Trust Fund is urging any and all competitors to […]