Study Suggests Fizzy Drinks As Harmful As ‘Meth Or Crack’ For Teeth

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A study has suggested that glugging soda can be as harmful for your teeth as using meth or crack cocaine.

The study, which was conducted by Dr Mohamed Bassiouny, from the Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia. The study found that drinking fizzy drinks, even diet versions, can be as damaging to the teeth, as two of the most potent narcotics, crystal meth and crack.

Research carried out on a woman in her 30’s who drank 2 litres of fizzy drinks per day for a period of five years; according to Dr Bassiouny, a professor of Restorative Dentistry, the damage to her teeth was the same as a “29 year old meth user and a 51 year old crack addict.”

During an interview, Dr Bassiouny said that none of the teeth that were affected by acid erosion could be saved and all the individuals involved in the study were forced to have all their teeth extracted.

In addition to using meth, the individual involved in the study also drank at least 2 cans of soda per day and the crack addict has been using drugs for 18 years, which is considerably longer than the woman in her 30’s had been drinking fizzy drinks.

Diet drinks are also just as bad as their full fat counterparts.

The American Beverage Association has reacted angrily to the study; in a statement, the association states that comparing diet soda consumption to the use of illegal drugs was “irresponsible” and suggested that it was wrong to link severe tooth decay to the consumption of diet drinks alone.

The statement went on to say that “the body of available science does not support that beverages are a unique factor in causing tooth decay or erosion.”

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