Study Shows Young People Spend More Time on Tinder Than Brushing Their Teeth

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A new study shows that young people are likely to spend more time using dating app Tinder than they do brushing their teeth.

In a survey conducted by Careway Pharmacy, which involved around 2,000 adults, 40 percent of participants aged between 18 and 24 years old admitted to spending less than 60 seconds brushing their teeth. This was a stark contrast to the 90 minutes spent on Tinder by those aged between 18 and 34.

The study also revealed that people aged between 25 and 34 were most likely to brush twice a day. However, 1 in 5 admitted that they regularly miss brushing in the morning or evening.

Careway pharmacist Alison Freemantle said that it’s really important to take care of oral health, especially for those who are image conscious and heavily involved in the dating game. Studies show that an attractive, healthy looking smile is much more appealing to potential partners than chipped, stained or missing teeth. Even more important is the potential health implications of neglecting the toothbrush. Studies show that poor oral health increases the risk of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even some forms of cancer. Just spending 2 minutes each morning and evening caring for the teeth and gums can make a massive difference to your health, as well as your chances of successfully finding ‘the one’.

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