Study shows Xylitol reduces Cavities in Babies

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A new study has found that Xylitol can reduce the number of cavities in babies and the research suggests that mothers can prevent their child from developing cavities by wiping their gums with Xylitol wipes.

Speaking at the International Association of Dental Research, Ling Zhan, assistant professor of dentistry at the University of San Francisco, said that the study showed that the number of cavities declined despite there being no reduction in the cariogenic organisms, which according to Zhan did not follow the usual pattern.

There is growing evidence to support the fact that Xylitol reduces cavities, but how this happens is not yet fully understood.

In the study, Dr Zhan and his team enlisted the help of 44 pairs of mothers and babies, with the children ranging in age from 6 months to 35 months. The research team randomly gave the mothers wipes with Xylitol or a placebo and asked the mother to wipe their baby’s gums three times per day. The babies were examined and after one year there was a significant difference in the average number of newly decayed surfaces.

Xylitol chewing gum has recently become available on the market and there is evidence to suggest that chewing gum after meals can help to prevent tooth decay. For younger children, the research study suggests that Xylitol wipes can help to prevent the development of cavities in younger children.


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