Study reveals parent’s oral health can impact on children’s oral health

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According to a study, children can be affected by the oral health of their parents.

The study, which was carried out by the Journal of Dental Research, found that children are likely to suffer from oral health problems if their parents have poor oral health; the study also found that the oral health of the mother is particularly important for the oral health of the child. The research project found that children are twice as likely to develop gum disease if their mother suffers from the disease.

In light of the results of the study, experts are keen to promote good oral hygiene from a very early age; children are likely to learn hygiene habits from their parents and those who are brought up by parents who don’t take good care of their teeth and gums are more likely to suffer from dental health problems because they are not taught to clean their teeth properly. Parents are urged to involve children in oral hygiene from a young age and take them to see their dentist on a regular basis from the age of twelve months.

Gum disease can cause children to lose teeth and can cause them pain and discomfort; the number of children being admitted to hospital due to dental health problems has increased significantly in recent years and doctors and dentists are keen to try and reduce these numbers by promoting good oral hygiene habits. 

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