Spain could be an Attractive Option for Dental Students

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As competition for dental places at British universities hots up, many candidates are choosing to apply to foreign universities and Spain has emerged as a popular option.

Competition for places in the UK is extremely fierce, with many universities experiencing growing numbers of applications year on year. As some students fear that they will be rejected from universities at home, the number of applications for courses abroad is steadily increasing.

Spain is a popular option for British students for a number of reasons, including the lower cost of living, the climate is much better and the entry requirements are usually slightly lower than those expected at UK universities. Fees for courses are currently significantly higher than those in the UK, but with new rates coming into play from next year onwards, the gap will be much closer.

Lower entry requirements do not mean there is any scrimping on the quality of teaching and students who do not speak Spanish can take courses delivered in English. As Spain is home to some of the best dental schools in Europe, it may be an ideal choice for those with an interest in dentistry to study beyond the UK.


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