Plymouth dental team partners with local charity to provide treatment for abuse victims

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A dental team based in Plymouth has joined forces with a local charity to provide dental treatment for victims of domestic abuse and violence.

The team from Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise has partnered with Trevi to help women who have experienced dental trauma and oral health problems as a result of domestic violence, abuse and neglect.

In Devon and Cornwall, more than 14,700 women suffer abuse every year. Nationally, 1 in 4 women experience abuse.

Trevi, a charity that supports women and their children, runs facilities in the South West, including Jasmine Residential Recovery Centre and the Sunflower Women’s Centre. Many of the women who seek advice and support from the charity have extensive dental health issues.

Some, including broken teeth and tooth loss, are directly linked to abuse, while others stem from being homeless or struggling to afford to eat well or pay for dental care. Dental damage can not only put women at risk of health complications, but it serves as a visible reminder of the experiences and the pain they have been through.

Ruth Branagh, manager of the Jasmine Residential Recovery Centre, was advised to contact Peninsula by a friend due to the enterprise’s reputation for supporting the local community through outreach projects. After meeting Ruth and some of the women at the centre, the dental team set about making plans to help. Community dentist, Elizabeth Murphy now visits regularly, providing treatment sessions every Thursday.

The scheme has already made an incredible difference to the women at the centre and their children. Karen Burn, outreach lead, said that the people the team is helping “really need this service to boost their recovery and self-esteem” and added that the “impact of poor oral health is far greater than just someone with tooth decay.” Dental issues can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and impact mental health.

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