Pet Dental Health Month Launches In The USA

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As part of Pet Dental Health Month during February in America vets and animal dentists will be working to raise awareness of the importance of oral health and offering educational sessions and free dental check-ups for pets.

The campaign is run by the American Veterinary Medical Association with the aim of encouraging more pet owners to take care of their pet’s oral health. Research suggests many pet owners are unaware that their pets require regular dental treatment.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association around 85 per cent of dogs and cats aged over 3 years old suffer from gum disease. Animals require regular dental check-ups and without treatment gingivitis can develop and eventually lead to tooth pain, infection and even tooth loss.

Kate Knutson, co-owner of the Pet Crossing Animal Hospital, said oral health is one of the most important things for pet owners, but that most people are unaware they need to check their pet’s teeth and gums on a regular basis.

Dr Brook A. Niemiec, board president of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, said that only around 1 per cent of pet owners brush their animal’s teeth and that they need to realise the importance of doing so and using chews and special toys to prevent dental health problems.


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