Patient of B.C. Controversy Speaks Up

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Carlos Battistini recently spoke to CBC news about his experiences with Tung Shen Wu, the illegal British Columbia ‘bedroom dentist’.

Mr Battistini recently revealed in an interview that he had been to visit Tung Shen Wu, also known as David Wu, a year ago due to a problem with his dental bridge. Despite the fact that health officials have issued warnings about Mr Wu’s practice, Mr Battistini confirmed that he had not been contacted about potential health concerns following treatment from Mr Wu.

The College of Dental Surgeons in British Columbia issued a public warning this week and advised patients that Mr Wu had no authority to practise in the state.

Investigations revealed that the dentist had already been closed in 2003, but health officials had not contacted patients to advise them about potential health problems, such as hepatitis B and C and HIV.

Now, health officials have advised anyone who has been treated by the illegal dentist to visit a health centre for blood tests to check that they have not contracted any blood-borne illnesses.

Dr Michelle Murti, from Fraser Health Authority, said that the authority is in the process of writing to patients, but the records are incomplete which is why officials have made an announcement. They are hoping it will reach the relevant people.

Mr Battistini said that he had found Mr Wu when looking for discount dental care. At the time, he could not afford to see a regular dentist, but needed treatment on his bridge.

Battistini had a filling fixed for $20 and he was quoted between $200 and $400 for the bridge work, which would have cost around $800 at a regular dental office.

When he arrived at Wu’s home, he said there was something suspicious and the treatment was rough and unprofessional. He assumed that it was because it was cut-price and decided against having the bridge fixed, choosing only to have a filling repaired.

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